Information that must be provided and announced periodically

Information that must be updated is then provided and announced to the public on a regular or periodic basis at least once every 6 months.

  1. Faculty Profile
  1. Complete address and Faculty contact (view)
  2. Organizational structure (view)
  3. Vision, Mission and Goals (view)
  4. History (view)
  1. Study Program Profile (view)
  2. Leadership Profile (view)
  3. LHKPN Work Unit Leader (view)
  4. Academic Calendar (view)
  5. Faculty annual report (view)
  6. Statistics on the number of students by year, by study program, by level (view)
  7. Employee Statistics (Lecturers and Staff) by department/prodi (view)
  8. Statistics and list of Professor skills as of 2023 (view)
  9. Research Statistics for 2022-2023 (view)
  10. Community Service Statistics for 2022-2023 (view)
  11. Information procedures for obtaining information (view)