Students Organization

We realize that one of the important elements in achieving the vision and mission of the institution is strengthening the value of student roles and activities. FPMIPA policies in the field of student affairs are oriented towards improving the quality and quantity of student activities to support the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education in order to obtain and enrich professional, personal, and social competencies that are solid towards competitive advantage. The main focus is on strengthening institutions, developing interests and talents, developing personality, increasing reasoning and science, devotion, ethics and aesthetics, and improving welfare.

Technically and organizationally, coaching and student development of the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences Education (FPMIPA) is coordinated by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs of FPMIPA, assisted by the Head of the Department / Study Program, supervisors, and student advisors of Departments / Study Programs within FPMIPA. Each party has their respective roles and responsibilities according to the level at which the student organization is located.

Management Structure of the student organization in the faculty consists of:

  1. The Faculty Student Representative Council (DPM Faculties) functions as a legislative,
  2. Faculty Student Executive Board (BEM Faculties), and/or
  3. Faculty Student Activity Unit (UKM Faculties).

Management Structure of the student organization in the departement/study program consists of:

  1. Department / Prodi Student Representative Council (DPM Departments / Prodi),
  2. Student Executive Board Departments / Prodi (BEM Departments / Prodi),

The identity of the Ormawa unit in the FPMIPA environment includes:

  1. BEM and DPM of FPMIPA
  2. Himpunan Mahasiswa Kimia (HMK)
  3. Himpunan Mahasiswa Matematika ”Identika” (HIMATIKA ”Identika”
  4. Student Association IPSE
  5. Himpunan Mahasiswa Biologi ”Formica” (HMBF)
  6. Himpunan Mahasiswa Fisika (HMF)
  7. Keluarga Mahasiswa Komputer (KEMAKOM)