International Accreditation

International Accreditation ASIIN
The Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences Eduction (FPMIPA), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia is an element of the university implementing academic activities whose task is to coordinate the implementation of academic activities in the field of mathematics and natural sciences education.  FPMIPA UPI, which in its task is to prepare teachers and scientists on mathematics and natural Sciences, is required to produce graduates who are superior and have noble character, so that they have high competitiveness at the global level. FPMIPA UPI was first established under the name of the Teaching Faculty of Exact Science (FKIE) IKIP Bandung in 1963, in 1983 it changed to FPMIPA IKIP Bandung, then based on Presidential Decree of Republic of Indonesia No. 124 of 1999 changed to FPMIPA UPI.

FPMIPA UPI has a vision to become a leading and outstanding faculty in the education of mathematics and natural sciences disciplines. In developing educational and non-educational programs, FPMIPA UPI uses the principles of cross fertilization, resources sharing, and education as value which are based on the UPI motto (i.e., educational, scientific, and religious), so that UPI FPMIPA graduates are superior and have noble character so that they are expected to be globally competitive, as quality policy that has been determined. The implementation of educational programs at FPMIPA UPI is based on the principle of relevance to field needs, professionalism, and quality orientation. The UPI FPMIPA curriculum refers to the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) based on Presidential Regulation Number 8 of 2012 and Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 73 of 2013, which is flexible and adaptive to global demands, as well as a teaching-learning process that places students as participants. active, creative, and developing students.

After the stipulation of the Wider Mandate policy for ex-IKIP colleges resulting in an increase in the number of study programs, namely non-educational study programs, currently FPMIPA UPI has 5 (five) departments consisting of 11 (eleven) undergraduate study programs and 7 (seven) postgraduate study program (master and doctoral). The departments and study programs are: (i) the Department of Mathematics Education which consists of the Mathematics Education Study Program, the Mathematics Study Program, the Mathematics Education Master's Study Program and the Mathematics Education Doctoral Study Program; (ii) the Department of Physics Education, which consists of the Physics Education Study Program, the Physics Study Program, and the Physics Education Masters Study Program; (iii) the Chemistry Education Department, which consists of the Chemistry Education Study Program, the Chemistry Study Program, the Chemistry Education Master's Study Program, and the Chemistry Masters Study Program; (iv) the Department of Biology Education, which consists of the Biology Education Study Program, the Biology Study Program, and the Biology Education Masters Study Program; (v) Department of Computer Science Education which consists of the Computer Science Education Study Program, the Computer Science Study Program, and the Computer Science Education Master Program. In addition, there is an International Program on Science Education (IPSE) which is directly under the faculty. In accordance with the UPI Strategic Plan (Renstra) related to the campus internationalization program which is in line with UPI's vision as the Leading and Outstanding University in Education, the international accreditation program in the Study Program in FPMIPA is a must.

With regard to the above ideas, FPMIPA has proposed the ASIIN international accreditation for two clusters, namely Cluster Science and Cluster Formal Science. Study programs that apply for ASIIN international accreditation in Cluster Science are Undergraduate Program of Chemistry, Chemistry Education, Physics Education, Physics Education and Master Program of Chemistry, while the Formal Science Cluster consists of Undergraduate Program of Mathematics Education, Mathematics, Science Computer Education, and Computer Science.