FPMIPA UPI Berkontribusi dalam Seminar dan Monev Akhir Riset Kolaborasi Indonesia 2024
  by FPMIPA UPI    Dec 06, 2024

FPMIPA UPI Berkontribusi dalam Seminar dan Monev Akhir Riset Kolaborasi Indonesia 2024

Makassar, December 6, 2024 – A total of 613 researchers from 21 State Legal Universities (PTNBH) and their partners attended the Final Seminar and Monitoring Evaluation (Monev) of the Indonesia Collaborative Research (RKI) program at Hasanuddin University (Unhas), Makassar. The event served as a strategic platform for presenting outstanding research results that support the development of science, technology, and innovative applications across various sectors.

The seminar, organized by Unhas’ Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), brought together academics, researchers, industry practitioners, and government representatives. During the event, hundreds of researchers showcased findings from 192 collaborative research titles. Topics discussed included the development of appropriate technologies, research-based solutions for industrial sectors, and applications to support the creative and digital economies.

Initiated in 2018 by four PTNBH institutions—ITB, UGM, UNAIR, and IPB—the RKI program has now expanded to include 21 PTNBH institutions, including Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI). FPMIPA UPI actively contributed to this program by sending two of its distinguished researchers: Dr. Budi Laksono Putro, M.T. and Prof. Lala Septem Riza, M.T., Ph.D.

The Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Technology (Mendiktisaintek), Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro, in a video message, emphasized that high-quality research is the key to addressing global challenges. “Indonesia must continue to improve its research quality, not only for domestic needs but also to compete internationally,” he stated.

He added that the year 2045 will be a pivotal moment for Indonesia. With hard work over the next two decades, Indonesia is expected to achieve its vision of becoming a developed nation supported by research and innovation.

FPMIPA UPI’s participation in the event reflects the university’s commitment to impactful collaborative research. Dr. Budi Laksono Putro, M.T., and Prof. Lala Septem Riza, M.T., Ph.D., presented their research findings focusing on technological solutions to support sustainable education and applied science development.

This contribution not only strengthens FPMIPA UPI’s position as one of Indonesia’s leading faculties but also represents a tangible step toward supporting Indonesia’s vision of becoming a research and innovation-driven nation in the future.