Wednesday, 16 Maret 2022
UPI Awarded as the Best State Universities with Legal Entities (PTN-BH) Runner-Up
On March 16, 2022, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) was awarded runner-up (excellent quality) in the best State Universities with Legal Entities (PTN-BH) category by the Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture. This achievement was in the context of UPI’s ability to implement the Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP) and the Best Budget Performance in 2021, with a score of 91.33. It is hoped that the award can inspire UPI to maintain accountability, work effectiveness, and quality budget management.
Contributor: Nurhana Sayyida
Source: UPI Jadi Perguruan Tinggi Terbaik Kedua Dari Sisi Akuntabilitas | Republika Online