fpmipa@upi.edu +62-22-2001108
Information that must be provided and announced periodically

Information that must be updated is then provided and announced to the public on a regular or periodic basis at least once every 6 months.

  1. Faculty Profile
  1. History(view)
  2. Vision, Mission dan Goals (view)
  3. Complete address and contact of the Faculty (view)
  4. Duties and Functions (view)
  5. Organizational structure (view)
  1. Study Program Profile (view)
    1. Mathematics Education (view)
    2. Mathematics (view)
    3. Physics Education (view)
    4. Physics (view)
    5. Chemistry Education(view)
    6. Chemistry(view)
    7. Biology Education(view)
    8. Biology (view)
    9. Computer Science Education(view)
    10. Computer Science(view)
    11. IPA education(view)
  2. Leadership Profile (view)
  3. LHKPN Work Unit Leader
    1. Prof. Dr. Tatang Herman, M.Ed.(view)
    2. Dr. rer.nat. Adi Rahmat, M.Si.(view)
    3. Prof. Dr. Nahadi, M.Si., M.Pd (view)
    4. Dr.Dadi Rusdiana, M.Si.(view)
    5. Yuswarni Siti Sahariah, S.Sos.(view)
    6. Tuti Setiawati, M.M.(view)
  4. Summary of Faculty Activity Program (view)
  5. Summary of Activity Realization Information (view)
  6. Information about Faculty Regulations, Decisions and/or Policies (view)
  7. Procedure Information for Obtaining Public Information (view)
  8. Procedures for submitting objections and dispute resolution processes
    1. Procedures for submitting objections (view)
    2. Dispute resolution process(view)
  9. Information on procedures for complaints about abuse of authority (view)
    1. Complaint procedures (view)
    2. Complaint(view)
    3. People's Online Aspiration and Complaints Service(view)
  10. Faculty annual report information (view)