Goals and Target Program


  1. Creating a community that is adaptive, collaborative, transformative, inspiring, philosophical, and dedicated to enhancing knowledge, intelligence, soft skills, ICT, and professional abilities in chemistry education.
  2. Conducting inter/multidisciplinary research aligned with the current trends and advancements in ICT-based or assisted chemistry education.
  3. Developing community service initiatives that align with areas of expertise and apply research findings to address real-world needs.
  4. Fostering innovation in chemistry education through collaborative partnerships with educational, research institutions, and industry for a brighter future.


  1. Developing a master's curriculum in chemistry education that is internationally recognized, featuring courses with comprehensive module handbooks, teaching materials, and assessments.
  2. Organizing engaging, holistic, integrative, scientific, contextual, thematic, effective, collaborative, and student-centered lectures using case methods and team-based projects.
  3. Enhancing students' academic skills in English, academic writing, ICT, and academic communication through pre-lecture, co-curricular (training), and curricular activities.
  4. Offering courses that support research in chemistry education, including: 1) Current Issues in Chemistry Education, 2) Applied Statistics, 3) Applied Research Methodology, 4) Value Education in Chemistry, 5) Continuing Chemistry Education, 6) Development of ICT-Based Chemistry Learning Media, 7) Intertextuality of Chemistry Learning, and 8) Innovative Chemistry Learning Models.
  5. Conducting basic, development, and applied research in collaboration, focusing on key areas such as: 1) Innovative Chemistry Learning Models, 2) Chemistry Learning Materials and Media, 3) Chemistry Education Evaluation, 4) Intertextuality of Chemistry Learning, and 5) Science Literacy and the Development of Chemistry Teacher Professionalism.
  6. Increasing the publication of research articles in reputable national and international journals.
  7. Organizing community service activities based on scientific expertise, research findings, student creativity, entrepreneurship development, and support for schools.