Kuliah Umum Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Fisika (Sesi 1)
  by Cahyo Puji Asmoro    Nov 07, 2024

General Lecture of the Physics Education Master’s Program: Improving the Quality of Academic Writing in Physics Education with International Experts

The Physics Education Study Program is proud to have organized the General Lecture: Academic Writing and Publication in Physics Education (For Master’s Programme Students) as part of the flagship program of the Adjunct Professor Program. This event was designed in two sessions, with Season 1 successfully held on Thursday, November 7, 2024, online via Zoom.


Presenting Assoc. Prof. Hasan Ozgur Kapici from Bogazici University, Turkey, this first session discussed the interesting topic of Inquiry-Based Learning in science. A total of 61 master’s students actively participated in the discussion that discussed learning innovations as well as great opportunities for academic publications in reputable journals.

In his presentation, Prof. Kapici explained how the inquiry-based learning approach can be an effective strategy to improve the quality of teaching. In addition, this method was also expressed as a relevant and interesting topic for research and academic publications. His explanation was reinforced with real examples that were relevant to the practice of physics education, providing new insights that could be directly applied by the participants.

The discussion took place in an interactive atmosphere, where students enthusiastically asked questions and had dialogues regarding the implementation of this method and practical steps in writing quality scientific articles. One participant stated, “The material provided really helped us understand the process of writing scientific articles that can compete in international journals, especially with innovative topics such as inquiry-based learning.”